Post by Will Kirby on Jul 15, 2008 8:00:56 GMT -5
I say that alot
but anyways this is a mess...............
"Howie" (7:29:10): Do you and dani know each other outside the game
DrWill chilltown (7:29:35): outside the game no
DrWill chilltown (7:29:42): what u mean by that?
"Howie" (7:29:55): I don't care
"Howie" (7:30:14): just ericka is telling everyone that you guys do
DrWill chilltown (7:30:22): wtf
DrWill chilltown (7:30:34): what did she say?
DrWill chilltown (7:30:46): she saying were friends outside the game?
"Howie" (7:30:50): yeah
DrWill chilltown (7:30:53): LMFAO
DrWill chilltown (7:31:01): paste that shit in here
DrWill chilltown (7:31:06): I am gona call her ass out right now
"Howie" (7:31:44): ok
DrWill chilltown (7:33:16): did u copy it?
"Howie" (7:33:37): no i'm finshing it
DrWill chilltown (7:34:08): ok
"Howie" (7:36:17): copy on this AIM or PM you
"Howie" (7:37:02): I'll just pm you
DrWill chilltown (7:37:04): ok
"Howie" (7:40:52): i sent it
DrWill chilltown (7:41:57): kk
DrWill chilltown (7:42:19): its :42
DrWill chilltown (7:42:22): can u vote agian?
"Howie" (7:42:45): yeah i forgot
"Howie" (7:43:20): too much excitment
DrWill chilltown (7:45:15): omg
DrWill chilltown (7:45:20): I love the phone ringing comment
"Howie" (7:45:40): i telling ericka i going to nom you and dani if i win,just to keep her happy is that ok,to get more info
DrWill chilltown (7:45:50): thats fine
DrWill chilltown (7:45:54): I want that fucking piece of shit gone
DrWill chilltown (7:46:03): I am seriously about to go off on her
DrWill chilltown (7:46:23): who told her that me and dani supposedly know each other personally?
DrWill chilltown (7:46:31): she think were dating or what?
"Howie" (7:46:34): sheila
DrWill chilltown (7:46:43): sheila told erika
DrWill chilltown (7:46:51): LMFAO..... what a night
DrWill chilltown (6:33:15): you can exalt agian
DrWill chilltown (6:45:48): did you exalt?
DrWill chilltown (7:01:53): going to sleepy
DrWill chilltown (7:01:55): night girly
"Daniele" (7:02:01): yes
"Daniele" (7:02:02): i exalted.
"Daniele" (7:02:03): byeeee
DrWill chilltown (7:02:07): bye
DrWill chilltown (7:27:11): OH MY FUCKIN GOD
DrWill chilltown (7:27:16): HILARIOUS SHIT
DrWill chilltown (7:27:20): MICHAEL FTW
DrWill chilltown (7:27:25): OMG U HAVE TO WATCH THIS
DrWill chilltown (7:27:27): whwrhe are u at
DrWill chilltown (7:27:28): OMG
DrWill chilltown (7:27:31): COME BACK
DrWill chilltown (7:28:10):
DrWill chilltown (7:28:15): start at 3;45
DrWill chilltown (7:28:19): this is the most hilarious shit ever
DrWill chilltown (7:28:30): ok now I am going back to bed
"Daniele" (7:31:05): mhjkh
DrWill chilltown (7:31:14): WATCH THAT SHIT
"Daniele" (7:31:22): Ok
DrWill chilltown (7:31:22): have u talked to erika?
"Daniele" (7:31:22): lol
"Daniele" (7:31:25): No why
DrWill chilltown (7:31:31): she is telling everyone we know each other
DrWill chilltown (7:31:33): outside of this game
"Daniele" (7:31:36): WHO?
DrWill chilltown (7:31:41): Erika is telling
DrWill chilltown (7:31:42): that
"Daniele" (7:31:51): should i deny it?
DrWill chilltown (7:31:54): YES
DrWill chilltown (7:32:02): did u tell anyone?
"Daniele" (7:32:06): umm
"Daniele" (7:32:10): welll i mean
"Daniele" (7:32:14): jenna and britt know
"Daniele" (7:32:17): but i dont think i told her.
DrWill chilltown (7:32:20): *dies*
DrWill chilltown (7:32:25): who is britt?
"Daniele" (7:32:30): xfear n sunsetsx
"Daniele" (7:32:31): sarah ..
DrWill chilltown (7:32:36): they know I am deja?
"Daniele" (7:32:41): Idk?
"Daniele" (7:32:45): I dont remember
"Daniele" (7:32:46): gakdsgjks
"Daniele" (7:32:50): They know who iam
DrWill chilltown (7:32:52): OMG * dies again*
"Daniele" (7:32:56): but idk if they know who you are.
DrWill chilltown (7:33:05): well deny that shit up the yein yang
"Daniele" (7:33:11): im gonna confront erika
DrWill chilltown (7:33:22): I was about to too
DrWill chilltown (7:33:39): so sheila and sarah - characters
DrWill chilltown (7:33:41): know?
"Daniele" (7:33:48): yes
"Daniele" (7:33:51): well
"Daniele" (7:33:52): they know me
"Daniele" (7:34:00): but idk if they know you
DrWill chilltown (7:34:00): hmmm then wtf?
DrWill chilltown (7:34:22): u gona talk to Erika?
"Daniele" (7:34:30): yes
DrWill chilltown (7:34:32): ok
DrWill chilltown (7:34:36): dont tell her I am online
"Daniele" (7:34:46): Shit
"Daniele" (7:34:49): i forgot to change my fonttttttttttttttttttt
DrWill chilltown (7:34:51): now what
DrWill chilltown (7:34:53): oh god
"Daniele" (7:34:58): LOL
DrWill chilltown (7:34:59): just play it cool
"Daniele" (7:35:00): I SUCK AT ALIAS
"Daniele" (7:35:01): LOLLO
DrWill chilltown (7:35:19): turn ur trains sn to invisible
DrWill chilltown (7:35:25): or sign in on a diff computer
"Daniele" signed off at 7:35:36.
"Daniele" is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
"Daniele" (7:35:41): LOL
"Daniele" (7:35:42): WOOPS
DrWill chilltown (7:35:45): you know this is the wrong sn
DrWill chilltown (7:35:51): LMFAO
"Daniele" (7:35:52): yes
"Daniele" (7:35:52): lol
"Daniele" (7:35:54): LLOOLOL
DrWill chilltown (7:35:55): this is a hilarious night
"Daniele" signed on at 7:35:56.
"Daniele" (7:35:59): SHIT
"Daniele" (7:36:01): I CANT TURN JUST 1 OFF
DrWill chilltown (7:36:05): yes u can
DrWill chilltown (7:36:10): click the down arrow
"Daniele" (7:36:17): whereeeeee
DrWill chilltown (7:36:19): and uncheck apply to all contacts
"Daniele" signed off at 7:36:21.
"Daniele" is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
"Daniele" signed on at 7:36:24.
"Daniele" signed off at 7:36:27.
"Daniele" is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
"Daniele" (7:36:29): NO
"Daniele" (7:36:30): LOL
DrWill chilltown (7:36:31): oh god this is hilarious
"Daniele" (7:36:32): OMG
DrWill chilltown (7:36:45): stop loggin in and out
"Daniele" signed on at 7:36:48.
"Daniele" (7:36:50): ok
"Daniele" (7:36:50): i got it
DrWill chilltown (7:36:54): LMFAO
"Daniele" (7:36:56): LOL
DrWill chilltown (7:36:56): wow
DrWill chilltown (7:36:59): too funny
DrWill chilltown (7:37:11): I am like crying of laughter
DrWill chilltown (7:37:24): did u watch the mikey thing?
"Daniele" (7:37:26): LLOOL
"Daniele" (7:37:27): not ye
"Daniele" (7:37:27): t
DrWill chilltown (7:37:29): u will fall out of ur chair
DrWill chilltown (7:37:31): I promise
DrWill chilltown (7:37:41): wow my side hurts
"Daniele" (7:37:48): WHY
DrWill chilltown (7:37:54): I am l aughing to ahrd
DrWill chilltown (7:37:57): to hard*
"Daniele" (7:38:00): AT WHAT
"Daniele" (7:38:02): what time do i start at?
"Daniele" (7:38:05): and omg the new guy
"Daniele" (7:38:05): <3
DrWill chilltown (7:38:09): you and mkey
DrWill chilltown (7:38:11): 3:45
"Daniele" (7:38:12): LOL MIKEY
"Daniele" (7:38:47): LOLLLL
"Daniele" (7:38:50): THIS IS WARFARE
DrWill chilltown (7:38:55): LMFAO
"Daniele" (7:39:53): Omg
"Daniele" (7:39:55): i know who told people
DrWill chilltown (7:40:01): who?
"Daniele" (7:40:03): jenna
"Daniele" (7:40:06): sheila
DrWill chilltown (7:40:17): thats what I was asking u
"Daniele" (7:40:19): because wehn she asked if you flrited with me too
"Daniele" (7:40:22): i was like
"Daniele" (7:40:23): yea he always does.
"Daniele" (7:40:26): so
"Daniele" (7:40:30): would that make her think that?
DrWill chilltown (7:40:39): ?
DrWill chilltown (7:40:40): no
"Daniele" (7:40:44): Welll
DrWill chilltown (7:40:45): cause wasn't she saying will?
"Daniele" (7:40:50): yes
"Daniele" (7:40:52): thats you?
DrWill chilltown (7:40:55): ya
"Daniele" (7:41:03): uh
DrWill chilltown (7:41:07): but how would she know its actually " myself as in cody"
"Daniele" (7:41:07): who do i supposedly know?
"Daniele" (7:41:11): Oh
"Daniele" (7:41:12): idk
DrWill chilltown (7:41:19): she wouldn't know
DrWill chilltown (7:41:23): I am the best at aliases
"Daniele" (7:41:25): Who else would it be
"Daniele" (7:41:27): no you arent
DrWill chilltown (7:41:30): not with you
"Daniele" (7:41:33): i figured it out fast.
"Daniele" (7:41:34):
DrWill chilltown (7:41:36): cause I didn't lie to u
"Daniele" (7:41:39): Whateve
"Daniele" (7:41:39): r
"Daniele" (7:41:42): yes ou did
DrWill chilltown (7:41:45): no I didn't
"Daniele" (7:41:48): hahhah
DrWill chilltown (7:41:54): If I didn't want u to know I could have played it off
"Daniele" (7:41:59): whatever
"Daniele" (7:42:24): asdfasdfk
"Daniele" (7:42:25): i hate alias
"Daniele" (7:42:26): ugh
"Daniele" (7:42:28): its so dumb
DrWill chilltown (7:42:30): what?
"Daniele" (7:42:34): I AHTE ALIAS GAMES
"Daniele" (7:42:35): HATE*
DrWill chilltown (7:42:37): I love them
DrWill chilltown (7:42:45): its actually not a popularity contest
"Daniele" (7:42:46): danielefierceass (7:42:16 AM): Do you know who said that
HowieBB (7:42:35 AM): ericka said she heard it from sheila
"Daniele" (7:42:53): I like popularity contests better.
"Daniele" (7:42:56):
DrWill chilltown (7:43:03): erika is full of shit
DrWill chilltown (7:43:06): and she is going home
"Daniele" (7:43:12): No
"Daniele" (7:43:13): i seriously thin
"Daniele" (7:43:14): k
"Daniele" (7:43:15): sheila said it.
DrWill chilltown (7:43:23): but Erika is spreading it
DrWill chilltown (7:43:34): erika doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut
DrWill chilltown (7:43:39): and sheila doens't either
"Daniele" (7:44:44): obv
"Daniele" (7:44:51): danielefierceass (7:43:25 AM): i found out who said it.
danielefierceass (7:43:29 AM): and ill resolve the conflict <3
ErikaURTV (7:43:39 AM): Who said it?
danielefierceass (7:43:58 AM): Someone who obv doesnt know what tehy are talking about.
danielefierceass (7:43:59 AM): they*
ErikaURTV (7:44:18 AM): Ok
DrWill chilltown (7:45:09): good work
"Daniele" (7:45:16):
DrWill chilltown (7:45:27): so
DrWill chilltown (7:45:32): can now I vote here ass out?
"Daniele" (7:45:36): yes
DrWill chilltown (7:45:40): k thanks
"Daniele" (7:45:43): hahah
DrWill chilltown (7:47:02): wow
DrWill chilltown (7:47:07): too many people have to go
"Daniele" (7:47:09): whattt
"Daniele" (7:47:10): hahah
DrWill chilltown (7:47:20): fucking lets have a damn quadruple eviction
HowieBB (7:25:30 AM): Hey
ErikaURTV (7:25:47 AM): Good morning!
HowieBB (7:25:55 AM): yeah
HowieBB (7:26:01 AM): I have not slept
HowieBB (7:26:03 AM): yet
ErikaURTV (7:26:06 AM): Oh jeez
ErikaURTV (7:26:09 AM): why?
HowieBB (7:26:26 AM): I've been trying to keep richard away from hoh
ErikaURTV (7:26:32 AM): Oh Ok
HowieBB (7:26:36 AM): what about you
ErikaURTV (7:26:55 AM): I just woke up
HowieBB (7:27:10 AM): Have you met richard yet
ErikaURTV (7:27:16 AM): Briefly
ErikaURTV (7:27:20 AM): He's in my room]
ErikaURTV (7:27:41 AM): BUT I'm hearing from a few people that Daniele & Will know each other outside the game..
ErikaURTV (7:27:48 AM): Daniele supposedly told Shiela this
HowieBB (7:28:00 AM): oh
ErikaURTV (7:28:11 AM): Mhm
HowieBB (7:28:21 AM): yeah
HowieBB (7:28:23 AM): wow
ErikaURTV (7:28:32 AM): I'm just wondering who would you nominate if you won, because I still have yet to award my point this morning (that lying bitch)
HowieBB (7:29:09 AM): can you hold a min my phones ringing
ErikaURTV (7:29:17 AM): Yeah, no problem
HowieBB (7:32:28 AM): okay i'm soo sorry
ErikaURTV (7:32:34 AM): No Problem
HowieBB (7:32:54 AM): so what about will and daniele
ErikaURTV (7:33:15 AM): Supposedly Dani told someone that her & Will know each other personally
HowieBB (7:33:22 AM): oh wow
HowieBB (7:33:26 AM): thats big
ErikaURTV (7:33:29 AM): Yeah..
HowieBB (7:33:36 AM): who did you hear this from
ErikaURTV (7:33:57 AM): A few people, I'm not going to mention names right now..But I've heard it
HowieBB (7:34:57 AM): wow
HowieBB (7:35:37 AM): well they're are going to be the ones with targets on their backs more than likely right
but anyways this is a mess...............
"Howie" (7:29:10): Do you and dani know each other outside the game
DrWill chilltown (7:29:35): outside the game no
DrWill chilltown (7:29:42): what u mean by that?
"Howie" (7:29:55): I don't care
"Howie" (7:30:14): just ericka is telling everyone that you guys do
DrWill chilltown (7:30:22): wtf
DrWill chilltown (7:30:34): what did she say?
DrWill chilltown (7:30:46): she saying were friends outside the game?
"Howie" (7:30:50): yeah
DrWill chilltown (7:30:53): LMFAO
DrWill chilltown (7:31:01): paste that shit in here
DrWill chilltown (7:31:06): I am gona call her ass out right now
"Howie" (7:31:44): ok
DrWill chilltown (7:33:16): did u copy it?
"Howie" (7:33:37): no i'm finshing it
DrWill chilltown (7:34:08): ok
"Howie" (7:36:17): copy on this AIM or PM you
"Howie" (7:37:02): I'll just pm you
DrWill chilltown (7:37:04): ok
"Howie" (7:40:52): i sent it
DrWill chilltown (7:41:57): kk
DrWill chilltown (7:42:19): its :42
DrWill chilltown (7:42:22): can u vote agian?
"Howie" (7:42:45): yeah i forgot
"Howie" (7:43:20): too much excitment
DrWill chilltown (7:45:15): omg
DrWill chilltown (7:45:20): I love the phone ringing comment
"Howie" (7:45:40): i telling ericka i going to nom you and dani if i win,just to keep her happy is that ok,to get more info
DrWill chilltown (7:45:50): thats fine
DrWill chilltown (7:45:54): I want that fucking piece of shit gone
DrWill chilltown (7:46:03): I am seriously about to go off on her
DrWill chilltown (7:46:23): who told her that me and dani supposedly know each other personally?
DrWill chilltown (7:46:31): she think were dating or what?
"Howie" (7:46:34): sheila
DrWill chilltown (7:46:43): sheila told erika
DrWill chilltown (7:46:51): LMFAO..... what a night
DrWill chilltown (6:33:15): you can exalt agian
DrWill chilltown (6:45:48): did you exalt?
DrWill chilltown (7:01:53): going to sleepy
DrWill chilltown (7:01:55): night girly
"Daniele" (7:02:01): yes
"Daniele" (7:02:02): i exalted.
"Daniele" (7:02:03): byeeee
DrWill chilltown (7:02:07): bye
DrWill chilltown (7:27:11): OH MY FUCKIN GOD
DrWill chilltown (7:27:16): HILARIOUS SHIT
DrWill chilltown (7:27:20): MICHAEL FTW
DrWill chilltown (7:27:25): OMG U HAVE TO WATCH THIS
DrWill chilltown (7:27:27): whwrhe are u at
DrWill chilltown (7:27:28): OMG
DrWill chilltown (7:27:31): COME BACK
DrWill chilltown (7:28:10):
DrWill chilltown (7:28:15): start at 3;45
DrWill chilltown (7:28:19): this is the most hilarious shit ever
DrWill chilltown (7:28:30): ok now I am going back to bed
"Daniele" (7:31:05): mhjkh
DrWill chilltown (7:31:14): WATCH THAT SHIT
"Daniele" (7:31:22): Ok
DrWill chilltown (7:31:22): have u talked to erika?
"Daniele" (7:31:22): lol
"Daniele" (7:31:25): No why
DrWill chilltown (7:31:31): she is telling everyone we know each other
DrWill chilltown (7:31:33): outside of this game
"Daniele" (7:31:36): WHO?
DrWill chilltown (7:31:41): Erika is telling
DrWill chilltown (7:31:42): that
"Daniele" (7:31:51): should i deny it?
DrWill chilltown (7:31:54): YES
DrWill chilltown (7:32:02): did u tell anyone?
"Daniele" (7:32:06): umm
"Daniele" (7:32:10): welll i mean
"Daniele" (7:32:14): jenna and britt know
"Daniele" (7:32:17): but i dont think i told her.
DrWill chilltown (7:32:20): *dies*
DrWill chilltown (7:32:25): who is britt?
"Daniele" (7:32:30): xfear n sunsetsx
"Daniele" (7:32:31): sarah ..
DrWill chilltown (7:32:36): they know I am deja?
"Daniele" (7:32:41): Idk?
"Daniele" (7:32:45): I dont remember
"Daniele" (7:32:46): gakdsgjks
"Daniele" (7:32:50): They know who iam
DrWill chilltown (7:32:52): OMG * dies again*
"Daniele" (7:32:56): but idk if they know who you are.
DrWill chilltown (7:33:05): well deny that shit up the yein yang
"Daniele" (7:33:11): im gonna confront erika
DrWill chilltown (7:33:22): I was about to too
DrWill chilltown (7:33:39): so sheila and sarah - characters
DrWill chilltown (7:33:41): know?
"Daniele" (7:33:48): yes
"Daniele" (7:33:51): well
"Daniele" (7:33:52): they know me
"Daniele" (7:34:00): but idk if they know you
DrWill chilltown (7:34:00): hmmm then wtf?
DrWill chilltown (7:34:22): u gona talk to Erika?
"Daniele" (7:34:30): yes
DrWill chilltown (7:34:32): ok
DrWill chilltown (7:34:36): dont tell her I am online
"Daniele" (7:34:46): Shit
"Daniele" (7:34:49): i forgot to change my fonttttttttttttttttttt
DrWill chilltown (7:34:51): now what
DrWill chilltown (7:34:53): oh god
"Daniele" (7:34:58): LOL
DrWill chilltown (7:34:59): just play it cool
"Daniele" (7:35:00): I SUCK AT ALIAS
"Daniele" (7:35:01): LOLLO
DrWill chilltown (7:35:19): turn ur trains sn to invisible
DrWill chilltown (7:35:25): or sign in on a diff computer
"Daniele" signed off at 7:35:36.
"Daniele" is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
"Daniele" (7:35:41): LOL
"Daniele" (7:35:42): WOOPS
DrWill chilltown (7:35:45): you know this is the wrong sn
DrWill chilltown (7:35:51): LMFAO
"Daniele" (7:35:52): yes
"Daniele" (7:35:52): lol
"Daniele" (7:35:54): LLOOLOL
DrWill chilltown (7:35:55): this is a hilarious night
"Daniele" signed on at 7:35:56.
"Daniele" (7:35:59): SHIT
"Daniele" (7:36:01): I CANT TURN JUST 1 OFF
DrWill chilltown (7:36:05): yes u can
DrWill chilltown (7:36:10): click the down arrow
"Daniele" (7:36:17): whereeeeee
DrWill chilltown (7:36:19): and uncheck apply to all contacts
"Daniele" signed off at 7:36:21.
"Daniele" is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
"Daniele" signed on at 7:36:24.
"Daniele" signed off at 7:36:27.
"Daniele" is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
"Daniele" (7:36:29): NO
"Daniele" (7:36:30): LOL
DrWill chilltown (7:36:31): oh god this is hilarious
"Daniele" (7:36:32): OMG
DrWill chilltown (7:36:45): stop loggin in and out
"Daniele" signed on at 7:36:48.
"Daniele" (7:36:50): ok
"Daniele" (7:36:50): i got it
DrWill chilltown (7:36:54): LMFAO
"Daniele" (7:36:56): LOL
DrWill chilltown (7:36:56): wow
DrWill chilltown (7:36:59): too funny
DrWill chilltown (7:37:11): I am like crying of laughter
DrWill chilltown (7:37:24): did u watch the mikey thing?
"Daniele" (7:37:26): LLOOL
"Daniele" (7:37:27): not ye
"Daniele" (7:37:27): t
DrWill chilltown (7:37:29): u will fall out of ur chair
DrWill chilltown (7:37:31): I promise
DrWill chilltown (7:37:41): wow my side hurts
"Daniele" (7:37:48): WHY
DrWill chilltown (7:37:54): I am l aughing to ahrd
DrWill chilltown (7:37:57): to hard*
"Daniele" (7:38:00): AT WHAT
"Daniele" (7:38:02): what time do i start at?
"Daniele" (7:38:05): and omg the new guy
"Daniele" (7:38:05): <3
DrWill chilltown (7:38:09): you and mkey
DrWill chilltown (7:38:11): 3:45
"Daniele" (7:38:12): LOL MIKEY
"Daniele" (7:38:47): LOLLLL
"Daniele" (7:38:50): THIS IS WARFARE
DrWill chilltown (7:38:55): LMFAO
"Daniele" (7:39:53): Omg
"Daniele" (7:39:55): i know who told people
DrWill chilltown (7:40:01): who?
"Daniele" (7:40:03): jenna
"Daniele" (7:40:06): sheila
DrWill chilltown (7:40:17): thats what I was asking u
"Daniele" (7:40:19): because wehn she asked if you flrited with me too
"Daniele" (7:40:22): i was like
"Daniele" (7:40:23): yea he always does.
"Daniele" (7:40:26): so
"Daniele" (7:40:30): would that make her think that?
DrWill chilltown (7:40:39): ?
DrWill chilltown (7:40:40): no
"Daniele" (7:40:44): Welll
DrWill chilltown (7:40:45): cause wasn't she saying will?
"Daniele" (7:40:50): yes
"Daniele" (7:40:52): thats you?
DrWill chilltown (7:40:55): ya
"Daniele" (7:41:03): uh
DrWill chilltown (7:41:07): but how would she know its actually " myself as in cody"
"Daniele" (7:41:07): who do i supposedly know?
"Daniele" (7:41:11): Oh
"Daniele" (7:41:12): idk
DrWill chilltown (7:41:19): she wouldn't know
DrWill chilltown (7:41:23): I am the best at aliases
"Daniele" (7:41:25): Who else would it be
"Daniele" (7:41:27): no you arent
DrWill chilltown (7:41:30): not with you
"Daniele" (7:41:33): i figured it out fast.
"Daniele" (7:41:34):
DrWill chilltown (7:41:36): cause I didn't lie to u
"Daniele" (7:41:39): Whateve
"Daniele" (7:41:39): r
"Daniele" (7:41:42): yes ou did
DrWill chilltown (7:41:45): no I didn't
"Daniele" (7:41:48): hahhah
DrWill chilltown (7:41:54): If I didn't want u to know I could have played it off
"Daniele" (7:41:59): whatever
"Daniele" (7:42:24): asdfasdfk
"Daniele" (7:42:25): i hate alias
"Daniele" (7:42:26): ugh
"Daniele" (7:42:28): its so dumb
DrWill chilltown (7:42:30): what?
"Daniele" (7:42:34): I AHTE ALIAS GAMES
"Daniele" (7:42:35): HATE*
DrWill chilltown (7:42:37): I love them
DrWill chilltown (7:42:45): its actually not a popularity contest
"Daniele" (7:42:46): danielefierceass (7:42:16 AM): Do you know who said that
HowieBB (7:42:35 AM): ericka said she heard it from sheila
"Daniele" (7:42:53): I like popularity contests better.
"Daniele" (7:42:56):
DrWill chilltown (7:43:03): erika is full of shit
DrWill chilltown (7:43:06): and she is going home
"Daniele" (7:43:12): No
"Daniele" (7:43:13): i seriously thin
"Daniele" (7:43:14): k
"Daniele" (7:43:15): sheila said it.
DrWill chilltown (7:43:23): but Erika is spreading it
DrWill chilltown (7:43:34): erika doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut
DrWill chilltown (7:43:39): and sheila doens't either
"Daniele" (7:44:44): obv
"Daniele" (7:44:51): danielefierceass (7:43:25 AM): i found out who said it.
danielefierceass (7:43:29 AM): and ill resolve the conflict <3
ErikaURTV (7:43:39 AM): Who said it?
danielefierceass (7:43:58 AM): Someone who obv doesnt know what tehy are talking about.
danielefierceass (7:43:59 AM): they*
ErikaURTV (7:44:18 AM): Ok
DrWill chilltown (7:45:09): good work
"Daniele" (7:45:16):
DrWill chilltown (7:45:27): so
DrWill chilltown (7:45:32): can now I vote here ass out?
"Daniele" (7:45:36): yes
DrWill chilltown (7:45:40): k thanks
"Daniele" (7:45:43): hahah
DrWill chilltown (7:47:02): wow
DrWill chilltown (7:47:07): too many people have to go
"Daniele" (7:47:09): whattt
"Daniele" (7:47:10): hahah
DrWill chilltown (7:47:20): fucking lets have a damn quadruple eviction
HowieBB (7:25:30 AM): Hey
ErikaURTV (7:25:47 AM): Good morning!
HowieBB (7:25:55 AM): yeah
HowieBB (7:26:01 AM): I have not slept
HowieBB (7:26:03 AM): yet
ErikaURTV (7:26:06 AM): Oh jeez
ErikaURTV (7:26:09 AM): why?
HowieBB (7:26:26 AM): I've been trying to keep richard away from hoh
ErikaURTV (7:26:32 AM): Oh Ok
HowieBB (7:26:36 AM): what about you
ErikaURTV (7:26:55 AM): I just woke up
HowieBB (7:27:10 AM): Have you met richard yet
ErikaURTV (7:27:16 AM): Briefly
ErikaURTV (7:27:20 AM): He's in my room]
ErikaURTV (7:27:41 AM): BUT I'm hearing from a few people that Daniele & Will know each other outside the game..
ErikaURTV (7:27:48 AM): Daniele supposedly told Shiela this
HowieBB (7:28:00 AM): oh
ErikaURTV (7:28:11 AM): Mhm
HowieBB (7:28:21 AM): yeah
HowieBB (7:28:23 AM): wow
ErikaURTV (7:28:32 AM): I'm just wondering who would you nominate if you won, because I still have yet to award my point this morning (that lying bitch)
HowieBB (7:29:09 AM): can you hold a min my phones ringing
ErikaURTV (7:29:17 AM): Yeah, no problem
HowieBB (7:32:28 AM): okay i'm soo sorry
ErikaURTV (7:32:34 AM): No Problem
HowieBB (7:32:54 AM): so what about will and daniele
ErikaURTV (7:33:15 AM): Supposedly Dani told someone that her & Will know each other personally
HowieBB (7:33:22 AM): oh wow
HowieBB (7:33:26 AM): thats big
ErikaURTV (7:33:29 AM): Yeah..
HowieBB (7:33:36 AM): who did you hear this from
ErikaURTV (7:33:57 AM): A few people, I'm not going to mention names right now..But I've heard it
HowieBB (7:34:57 AM): wow
HowieBB (7:35:37 AM): well they're are going to be the ones with targets on their backs more than likely right