Nakomis, LOL at you giving Will your vote and being so in love with him. honestly, I really hope there IS more to you & Will's friendship than meets the eye... otherwise you got played for a vote just like you've been played all season.
chelsiaxhart (5:44:27 PM): we might do part 3 tonight
DrWill chilltown (5:48:00 PM): lets do it
DrWill chilltown (5:48:04 PM): kick that sack of shit outa this house
chelsiaxhart (2:50:56 PM): nak did it last night
DrWill chilltown (2:50:59 PM): I know
DrWill chilltown (2:51:02 PM): what a slut
URTV Big Brother (11:55:36 PM): lol @ Nak
URTVLemonOrange (11:55:37 PM): LOL... too funny
URTV Big Brother (11:55:38 PM): she's ignoring you
chelsiaxhart (11:55:42 PM): well
chelsiaxhart (11:55:45 PM): tell her to quit that
DrWill chilltown (11:55:47 PM): that sack of shit
DrWill chilltown (10:21:41 PM): chels post
ShadowcatX312 (10:21:43 PM): saying
DrWill chilltown (10:21:46 PM): lets trick her
DrWill chilltown (10:21:47 PM):
chelsiaxhart (10:21:47 PM): posted
chelsiaxhart (10:21:49 PM): i know
DrWill chilltown (10:21:50 PM): maybe she left
chelsiaxhart (10:21:52 PM): lets do it real quick
chelsiaxhart (10:21:57 PM): post
DrWill chilltown (10:22:23 PM): maybe she went to smoke some weed
DrWill chilltown (10:22:24 PM):
ShadowcatX312 (10:22:29 PM): blunts*
DrWill chilltown (10:22:36 PM): yes
[just an example of the shit being talked about you]
lmfao I really, really hope you voted for Will and feel like such an idiot. if I lose to Will, well thank the lord it was to someone who deserves it and wasn't to you. "I should shoot myself"
before taking the chance of losing to you. and believe me when I say, I am NOT the only one who thinks you were a bad, gullible, stupid player this season. KNOW THAT. "you're eyes are open", my ass.